A Halloween Mystery
There is a little mystery in my house that I can't quite figure out. It's just something unusual that has been picking at my brain. I thought I would share this mystery in case by chance someone can figure it out for me. The other day when I was changing Alex and looking out his window I noticed a purple splatter on it. My first thought was, "Oh dear, what has he gotten into this time." It would not have been the first occurrence of Alex smearing something on his window. We have had a lotion incident as well as a baby powder blow out. I grabbed a cloth to wipe the mess off and came to the realization that the splatter is actually on the outside of his window. This has set my mind in motion and for the life of me I can't figure out what it is or how it got there. Alex's window is on the second story and looks out over the roof of the living room that extends past the house. So if it was someone that had thrown something at the house they would have ha...