Philosophy and 5 Year Olds
Last night I got a text from my husband that said "I forgot to tell you. Trinity asked 'If God made everything why didn't he give everyone a home and nice things?' I was not really sure how to answer that question." Well, of course you don't know how to answer that. Adults have been struggling with this question for quite some time and sometimes they aren't comfortable with the answers they are given by "professionals". I was shocked that such a big question could come out of our little girl (she will be 5 tomorrow actually). I thought that I would at least have another year or so before she would start asking zingers like this. It seems that she might have been picking up on some of the religious conversations happening around the house. With all the soul searching I have been doing and the discussions my husband and I have had over the book "Love Wins" by Rob Bell there have been some interesting topics coming up. Sometimes t...