Video Killed The Radio Star

I realized today that it's been a long time since my last blog update.  I know it's summer and there has been lots going on.  Plus I'm feeling a little under the weather so updates have been put in hold.  It's not that I haven't been thinking over some ideas for posts or working through new problems and attempting a little personal growth because I have a few ideas that are building and churning in my head that I would like to share.  I'll get to them soon, I really will.  If I am to be completely truthful though, summer business is just one of the excuses I have given for my lack of correspondence.  The biggest factor in my reprieve from blogging smart phone.

I know this might seem backwards to people.  I mean, why would a technological breakthrough be a setback when it comes to a different expression of technology?  Now this might be showing my age a bit, maybe a lot, but it made me think of the song Video Killed the Radio Star, an 80s song about how once videos came along it changed everything for the musical acts on the radio.  When video came along it changed the way people looked at music.  It made the issue of attractiveness much more important, in fact sometimes more important than musical ability itself.

How does this relate to my issue of not blogging as much because I got a smart phone?  It has changed the issue of access and speed.  It make checking the Internet faster and less dependent on location.  I have barely sat down at an actual computer other than to print some work items and send important email since May when I got this phone.  The Internet is no longer intentional, it has become incidental.

There has been some talk this last year about how handwriting is no longer taught in schools.  Since technology has developed to a point that is so easily accessible and pervasive the necessity of handwriting has bwindled almost to the point of extinction.  I mean the only ones that use handwriting around here anymore are Santa Clause and the Tooth fairy and this is only to differentiate their writing from mine.  I think if I were forced to write instead of my typical printing I would find it slow, sloppy and teadious.  In fact I believe the Tooth fairy's note she left the other day would have taken her about half the time to print.  Get with the times Tooth fairy, get with the times! I mean, couldn't you have just sent a short email, or better yet a text?

There could be another change on the way when it comes to typing skills.  Being able to type quickly has been a necessary skill for businesses for a number of years but lately much more business has been preformed with smart phones.  Now all the typing is done on small on screen keyboards where one finger, maybe two, take over the job of the Qwerty method of typing, or if that's to slow you can even use the speaking function and just watch as your words are converted to text.  I sometimes use this function when sending texts to people if I need to keep my eye on something else.  I must confess, sometimes I test its limits and attempt to trip it up.  Apparently though they aren't kidding when they say these phones are smart.  I mean they even seem to be able to pick up on what form of a word should be used.  They have the there, their or they're thing sorted right out!

So what does this have to do with blogging?  I think it's about speed.  Before the smart phone I could sit down, concentrate one one task and quickly type out what I wanted to express.  Now with a smart phone as my principal contact to the Internet it's much slower typing with one finger (yes, that's how I have written this post), there is more distraction around since I don't need to go sit down at the computer and there are far more gaps in the thought process.  During the writing of this I have gotten two drinks, broken up a fight, had a cuddle, been distracted by a My Little Pony and looked up a video.  Maybe next time I should test out the talk function and just dictate my blog post or better yet just make a video of it but the problem with that thinking has to do with the creative thought process.  There is something about writing out your words that forces you to think through what you want to say and in that thinking you are able to sort out more of how you really feel.  I have always said that writing is cathartic for me.  Mostly because it causes me to work through the problem on a deeper level, sort out feelings about what is happening and adjust what I think so I can properly move forward.  So I will try not to let "Video Kill The Radio Star" and be more proactive about posting.

But now I must go, since my son is begging me to cut his nails.  Yep, another distraction.


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