
Showing posts from February, 2013

5 Things I've Learned About Marriage

My husband and I don't really fight.  That however, is not to say we don't have arguments and disagreements.  We just disagree in a different way.  My family was rather loud and boisterous and I made a conscious decision not yell, not to insult and not to lash out.  I also was most attracted to someone who was calm, cool and collected.  Someone that was easygoing and didn't sweat the small stuff.  I then thought,  in the early years of marriage that since we didn't fight in that way that everything was fine.  This isn't true.  We have had some very difficult times.  Times when I didn't think we would make it work.  These times have taught me some extremely important lessons that I think you might benefit from too. 1.  Bottling up your problems doesn't make them go away.  When I was a kid and my brother would bug me my parents would say, "If you just ignore him he'll go away."  I have even told this to my own daughte...

Valentine's Day Treat

Around here Caramel is it!  My daughter seems to have quite refined tastes for a 6 year old and her favorite sugary flavour is also a quite popular one in the culinary world.  Salted Caramel.  Lately every time she gets to pick out a treat at the dollar store it is either Rolos or those little plastic wrapped square caramels.  My son veers towards chocolate but he follows along right behind his sister and picks those little chocolate wrapped caramel bundles called Rolo and if ever I am in the grocery store and see Rolo ice cream I tend to pick up a tub since it is a favorite of the husband. As a bit of a side note about Rolo ice cream, have you notice how it hardly has any Rolos in it anymore?  When it first came out it was loaded with them but now, even though it says right on the tub "Jam-Packed" there are hardly any in it at all.  Who are they convincing?  I am certainly not fooled.  Maybe I should complain. Anyway, in short caramel is a bi...

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

This whole insomnia thing is not working for me.  I keep waking up early, I remember a LOT of dreams (don't ask me why I was dating Chad Kroeger, sliding down laundry shoots or trying to get my brother to hide me in my own house), taking a long time to fall asleep and waking up numerous times per night.  Some nights are slightly better than others and I have noticed a marginal difference with taking the vitamins my pharmacist recommended to tide me over but I really am looking quite forward to my doctors appointment on Wednesday.  I am very hopeful that he will be able to re prescribe my former insomnia medication because really, enough is enough. Though I am quite good, if I do say so myself, at still being functional and acting like there is nothing the matter the truth is it's getting to me.  When I don't sleep enough I start to get overly emotional.  I already cry quite readily so it's really something to behold during these times.  I am ...

Don't Worry You Say?

Last week was an interesting one for me.  I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping again and had close to 2 weeks of very poor sleep with frequent waking.  Wednesday I felt like a zombie and, as I frequently remember during these insomnia "flare ups", keeping someone awake is used as a form of torture.  I think this stint of sleeplessness was started off by a pinched nerve in my shoulder/neck that was painful enough to keep me from sleep for a few days.  After I was finally able to get that dealt with it had become a trend.  The last few nights I have gotten better sleep but it still hasn't been ideal and I am looking forward to my Dr. appointment this week where I will hopefully be able to get a prescription for my old (and super awesome) sleeping pills.  It strikes me as quite ironic that I don't ever sleep through a full night where as my brother falls into some sort of comatose sleep of the dead that is very difficult to wake him from.  I don't k...