5 Things I've Learned About Marriage
My husband and I don't really fight. That however, is not to say we don't have arguments and disagreements. We just disagree in a different way. My family was rather loud and boisterous and I made a conscious decision not yell, not to insult and not to lash out. I also was most attracted to someone who was calm, cool and collected. Someone that was easygoing and didn't sweat the small stuff. I then thought, in the early years of marriage that since we didn't fight in that way that everything was fine. This isn't true. We have had some very difficult times. Times when I didn't think we would make it work. These times have taught me some extremely important lessons that I think you might benefit from too. 1. Bottling up your problems doesn't make them go away. When I was a kid and my brother would bug me my parents would say, "If you just ignore him he'll go away." I have even told this to my own daughte...