
Showing posts from November, 2012

What Would Rachel Do

Okay,  I admit it.  I can be a bit vindictive.  I know I've spoken before about how I can hold a grudge like nobody's business.  What I try to leave out is how I usually wish those people ill will.   These grudges are mostly, if not all, against people that have done something hurtful to myself or someone I love.   I try not to let my poor opinion of these people affect how I act towards them.   I also try not to speak poorly of them but I know I have failed on more than one occasion.   By saying I am vindictive however I don't mean that I wish them physical harm or be left penniless and destitute.   What I am saying is there is something satisfying about seeing that someone that made fun of your weight has put on about 50lbs or the person that looked down on your blue collar job working one of their own.   I know there are people that I have wronged though too.  I have a feeling there are some grudges out there directed at me t...

The D Word

There is a word that I really dislike.  Whenever I hear someone use it I get a little annoyed and it takes a lot of restraint to not say something about it.  So today I'm letting loose in the hopes that maybe we can think a little more about what this word really means.   The word is deserve. I hear people say things like, "I have to have go on vacation every few months.  I. Deserve it." or "I deserve a new outfit.  I've been working so hard." That word can be inserted into pretty much any sort of indulgence in order to justify the choices we make. Now, don't get me wrong, I have no problem at all with vacations, new outfits,  delicious food, fancy coffee or nights out on the town.  In fact I enjoy these things to whenever I can. The problem I have is with the idea of deserving them.   Like we are owed for being or doing well.  In fact that is the definition of the word deserve.   To do something, have or show qualities worthy of rew...

It's So Hard to Say Goodbye

It's a sad day in our house today.  We needed to put down our kitten, Vaughn.  Yes, you read right.  I did say kitten.  He was 7 month old and we had him for only 4 of those months but it's strange how quickly a little fur ball can grow on you.  We noticed about a month ago that his belly got really big pretty quickly.  We thought it was strange but figured that he might be going through a bit of a growth spurt.  He wasn't doing as much playing and running around either but we thought he was just getting bigger and growing out of the super playful kitten stage.  Again we didn't think much of it.  Then he started to miss the litter box.  At that point we figured something was the matter and decided he must have a UTI.  That sort of explained to me why he would be so bloated around the belly too.  I was certain that was what it was and he was just backed up with urine.  We made an appointment to take him to the vet and onc...

Disney Disappointment

Is how kind you are directly proportional to how attractive you are?  Are you a mean and nasty person if you have an unfortunate skin condition?  If were were blessed with extraordinary good looks does that mean you are the kindest person around?  Well, Disney seems to think so.  The kids were watching an episode of Jake and the Neverland Pirates the other day while I was puttering around the kitchen half listening.  All of a sudden I started to pay more attention.  The episode was about the Pirate Princess and a mean sea witch that was going to turn her into a golden statue.  When I looked at the screen this mean witch had green skin, hair that looks like sea weed, somewhat yellowish buggy eyes and not many teeth it seems.  I managed to find a picture.  During the course of the show the Pirate Princess swoops in and uses her rainbow wand to transform the mean sea witch into a kind witch instead but in the process her looks are also t...